10 Commandments for “The People” to Help Prevent Child Gun Possession

With the spike of gun violence across our nation, “We The People” can help save a child from becoming the next victim of random gun violence. Despite previous events between law enforcement and inner-city communities, the police continue to remove illegal guns off of our streets. However, cooperation amongst “The People” will be far more effective because there’s no greater understanding or stronger bond than family and friends.

I would do anything to protect the youth; unfortunately, I am incarcerated so I exercise my voice through my writing.

In addition to my upcoming children’s anti-gun book, Ta-Quan Makes a Choice, I have created 10 Commandments for “The People” (Adults and Children) to Help Prevent Child Gun Possession and Gun Violence. Based on my own childhood experiences, I am confident these gun prevention commandments will have positive results. So please, for the sake of our children’s future, read your safety rules and give a child theirs, then post and share with your family and friends. Let’s make the world a safer place. Until next time, stay gun-free stay safe!

Disturbing Fact: More than 309 mass shootings in firsthalf of 2021.
(Resource: ABC Night News)


  1. Thou shall not touch a gun.
  2. Thou shall not be near a gun.
  3. Thou shall not befriend or associate with a person who has an illegal gun.
  4. Thou shall not have conversations about possessing or shooting a gun.
  5. Thou shall not play with a gun under any circumstances.
  6. For everyone’s protection, thou shall tell an adult if he/she knows a child who has a gun.
  7. Thou shall not remain in an area where an individual(s) has an illegal gun.
  8. Thou shall share with friends and family about the deadly risk of guns.
  9. Thou shall not help anyone obtain a gun or artillery.
  10. Thou shall not participate in the selling, trading, or distribution of a gun or artillery.


  1. Thou shall not leave a gun in the presence of a child.
  2. Thou shall not help a child obtain a gun or artillery.
  3. Thou shall not have a gun accessible to a child.
  4. Thou shall not display a gun in the presence of a child (unless child is in a life threatening situation; for example, to protect a child from an intruder).
  5. Thou shall teach children about the laws of guns.
  6. Thou shall not have frivolous conversations with children about guns.
  7. Thou shall minimize the exposure of gun violence (for example; video games).
  8. Thou shall encourage a child to notify an adult if he/she see or knows another child with a gun or artillery.
  9. Thou shall teach children how dangerous guns are.
  10. Thou shall randomly search their child’s room for a gun or artillery.