“Why are we hungry?” is what a struggling sector of society wants to know.
“If it was up to me, the United States of America wouldn’t have hungry households,” a taxpaying, middle-class man said. There are some, of course, who don’t feel the same as I do. For example, John Langford – a devoted father and husband – is a retired criminal prosecutor. Before he became Senator of his poor hometown, John’s campaign ads focused on the hunger crisis in America. John made good on his promise. During his tenure as a state legislator, he proposed multiple bills that would’ve drawn in nonprofits and organizations to help feed hungry people. As lead patron of the “No Child Left To Starve” Act, he fought tirelessly to pass a bipartisan bill that increased single mothers financial assistance.
Unfortunately, some of John’s colleagues opposed to stand against food insecurity. Because of similar disagreements, hardworking, law abiding citizens will continue to protest with “defund the government” signs.
The United States of America is a very powerful and wealthy country, yet it has the second highest poverty rate compared to other well-developed countries. How is that possible?
In years 2020 and 2021, the department of the U.S. Treasury gave every American a $3,200 stimulus check. If our government – that is, local and state leaders – can’t collectively legislate a bill that would address the hunger crisis in America, what thinking errors or wisdom are we passing down to our children? Generally speaking, how are you of the people, by the people, for the people when you have hungry people in your district?
Our democracy is questionable because of likewise moral inconsistencies. Despite having a top poverty rate, millions of citizens are hungry. In 2020, 89.5% of American homes were food secure. (Dept. of U.S. Agriculture and Economics) Which means more than 10.5% households didn’t know where their next meal was going to come from.
As unbelievable as it sounds, America has 20+ million hungry households. Besides the obvious question, the other that sticks out like a sore thumb is: are we (USA) neglecting society’s most vulnerable?
After reading words like, “every man should be independent”, from respected Senators, I wouldn’t want to think that we’re ignoring the essential needs of others. That’s unlikely human behavior and borderline narcissistic. For the sake of our democracy, being under the guidance of a paramount study group is highly recommended.
Lawmakers (Republicans and Democrats) work hard to serve and protect the interest of the American people. However, those whom were delegated the authority to establish and amend the laws are failing their lower class constituents.
America needs more John Langfords and less “feed the poor” opposers. America needs him, her, them, me and you. Your voice is powerful. If you’re an American citizen, your vote is fundamentally important; however, you don’t have to standby and wait for your voted officials to do all of the work. You can help the hungry on your own. It’s as simple as giving someone a hot meal, or donating to a credible nonprofit who helps feed the poor. If one person donates a meal, that’s one step closer to fixing the problem.
An anonymous wiseman once said: “If you want to make a change in the world, lead by example.” Which means one has to initiate change in order for something to be enacted. With that being said, the answer to solve America’s hunger crisis is you.