If I were to tell you that I never felt like quitting, I would be lying through the hair-thin crevices of my teeth.
The writing world is overwhelmed with writers who are striving to break into the competitive book industry. Waiting is common for writers, especially children authors. Regardless if it’s one day or one year, in my experience, the waiting game for writers is frustratingly exhausting. Writing can be hard at times. The pursuit of getting work published is even harder. Anticipating the flourishing of planted seeds is undoubtedly the hardest.
It is normal for a writer to have thoughts of throwing in the towel. There have been countless times where I’ve said: “#@$% this, I’m done with it!” It’s like reaching that breaking point where you feel like your long, hard hours of labor isn’t appreciated. Which I believe we’ve all had that moment when our patience burned out.
At the end of the day, though, the wait is well worth every second. Although carrying the load of anticipation is often difficult, the result of your complicated humbleness will leave a promising sweet taste on your tongue. “The beginning is desert dry, but the subsequent quenching of thirst is everlasting.”
Latif Torres-Robinson