Cash App over JPay
Have you ever wondered why your incarcerated loved one asks for Cash app?
In the Virginia Department of Corrections, the appropriate way for an inmate to receive funds is through; however, some inmates would have their loved ones send money to someone else, using apps other than JPay in order to transfer funds for multiple reasons – and most of the time it’s not for canteen.
Yesterday while I was using the phone, a guy (I won’t use his name) asked me to ask my friend to call his mother. He wanted to ask his mother for some money. Given what I knew he was into, I reluctantly said, “yes.” I asked my friend and she said, “okay.” As he talked to his mother, I stood near by and listened. Within a minute or so into the guy’s conversation, he asked his mother to send a Cash app because he needed something to eat. I shook my head in disappointment (more so at myself). The guy manipulated and lied to me, my friend, then his mother just so he could buy spice to smoke.
“Can you send money to my homeboy’ app, so I can get some food in my box,” is what I often hear fellow inmates tell their family and/or friends. “We don’t go to the commissary for another two weeks, and I don’t have nothing to eat right now.” I am either using the phone next to them, or walking by the phone area when I overhear guys asking their “peoples” for Cash app rather than a JPay deposit.
More than half of the men in my dormitory have a drug addiction, and the price tag for any type of drug in prison is quite expensive. It’s one thing when you want to try and get the most out of your money, but to intentionally deceive your “loved ones” in order to feed your drug habit is absolutely selfish.