Your love and strength are your greatest powers,
You are a Supermom with a “S” on your chest,
If your child hasn’t told you, then I speak for all sons and daughters,
Mom, you are the best,
You’ve even inspired me to be the best I can be,
No other woman on this planet can offer me what you gave me,
Passionate and nurturing with everything you do,
Your human nature is the G.O.A.T; no other being will ever replace you,
You question a lie and you answer the truth,
You wholeheartedly put motherhood before diamonds and pearls,
So believe me when I say, “I will give you the world,”
You never allowed anything to come in between you and your child,
Not to mention your baby boy inherited his drip (swagger) from his mother’s style,
If someone has a problem with you then they have two,
Tomorrow, I’ll be feeling the same as I always do,
Jumping in front of a bullet for each other,
Because I am your baby and you are my beautiful mother,
No one appreciates and cherishes you more than your children,
As well as nothing comes before your children,
What a mother for being a fun, loving – and sometimes misunderstood – mother,
Moms, y’all are amazing,
With that being said, your children and I wish y’all a warm Happy Mothers Day!