Author: Latif Torres-Robinson

The Uncut Truth, Volume 5

As a former drug trafficker, I’ve faced many challenges incarcerated. I had a cell partner, for example, who sold narcotics throughout the prison compound. He was anti-government with a rap sheet that screamed “career criminal.” No matter how discrete or respectful he “thought” he was, there was no way he could hide all of his […]

Stay Focused Stay Free Tip #13

How to Handle Loved Ones Who Are Unsafe “Your brother tried to have sex with me,” my girlfriend said. During a jail call years ago, my then girlfriend explained to me how she endured my brother’s unwanted sexual advances. She was uncomfortable and conflicted. My brother knew that we (my girlfriend and I) loved each […]

Makings of a Classic Man

Written by: An anonymous Classic ManEdited by: Latif Torres-Robinson Class isn’t just a glass of champagne. It’s more about taste and discretion than it is wearing a 3-piece tuxedo. When we (society) say a man is classy, it’s because he carries himself with good dignity and integrity. Whether rich or poor, he espouses the elegance […]

What a Mother!

Your love and strength are your greatest powers,You are a Supermom with a “S” on your chest,If your child hasn’t told you, then I speak for all sons and daughters,Mom, you are the best,You’ve even inspired me to be the best I can be,No other woman on this planet can offer me what you gave […]

Stay Focused Stay Free Tip #12

Finding Comfort in Time of War Ever since Covid-19 became a part of everyday life, a contest of violence has erupted. In February, Russia’s dictator Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine. “Ukraine is a part of Russia,” Putin believes. Ukraine’s President Zelenksky and his defense team’s courage has been admiring, for it’s literately David vs. Goliath. However, […]

The Uncut Truth, Volume 4

Have you ever smoked weed on your way to church? For some odd reason, I thought it would be cool to be intoxicated in the body of Christ. When I was 16-years old, I smoked a joint before I went to church with my mother. What a mistake! As soon as I breached the premises […]

What if Your Opinions Aren’t Your Own?

Guest writer: David Butts We cannot harness the true power of life. We can’t experience the true beauty of life until we are freed from control. What if you thought you were free, but realized you aren’t?! What if you realized your thoughts and ideologies were specifically curated by people whose interests you intend to […]

America’s Hunger Crisis

“Why are we hungry?” is what a struggling sector of society wants to know. “If it was up to me, the United States of America wouldn’t have hungry households,” a taxpaying, middle-class man said. There are some, of course, who don’t feel the same as I do. For example, John Langford – a devoted father […]

Stay Focused Stay Free Tip #11

No Trespassing! How imperative is it that we respect our neighbors’ rights, privacy and property? When I was a boy, I knew better than to go beyond a no trespassing sign. Unfortunately, some kids don’t feel the same way. 14-year old La’Karr learned the hard way. Eager to meet up with his friend after school, […]