Stay Focused Stay Free Tip #6

Let’s Talk!

When I was 16-yeard old, I had brought a gun home that I was holding for a friend. I didn’t want the gun to find itself in my mother’s hands, so I hid it underneath one of the living room’s sofas. Trying to be cool, I told my uncle about the gun. I showed it to him and I told him where I was hiding it.

The next day after school I walked into a surprise. “What are you doing with this?” my mother asked sternly. It was more of a you know you’re going to be punished rather than an ask. Feeling betrayed by my uncle I felt hurt without a voice. My mother enforced guilt and punishment. Somehow I retrieved my friend’s gun an the real issue was never resolved.

Stay Focused Stay Free Tip #5

Ghost Guns

The parents of a Georgia teen are counting their blessings. A 13-year old boy purchased untraceable gun parts by shopping for “ghost guns” online. Without difficulty he put the gun parts together, then accidentally shot his sister. Although his sister survived, a family could’ve lost a loved one.

Recently another teenage boy got access to guns using a similar website. However instead of accidentally shooting someone, this child became an illegal gun retailer. How disturbing! A child bought gun materials online, learned how to put them together, and sold untraceable “ghost guns” to local street buyers.

The Un-Cut Truth, Volume 1

To say that I’ve been a model inmate my entire incarceration would suggest that I changed the moment I stepped into prison. We all know that isn’t true. Becoming an aspiring children’s author didn’t happen overnight; it was a long, hard process.

After accepting responsibility for my wrong actions, I learned how to work on my former distorted ways of thinking. Without me making the foolish mistakes I made in the past, I wouldn’t have been able to make positive choices today.

This part of my life’s journey is what makes Taquan Makes a Choice series so unique and realistic. Because I was once that little, lost boy who made bad decisions; however, I am now a bigger, found man who can help little lost kids made good decisions.

Kalih’s Way

“Am I wrong for being concerned about the safety of a child?”

I was shocked at what a 29-year old mother had said to me. After hearing about her son’s suspension I asked Shae how her son, Kalih, was doing. I was worried about the well-being of his mental health. “You’re always worried about the kids…that’s all you want to talk about,” were Shae’s negative words. It was unbelievable.

The Heroic Stranger

Early November in 1988, on a Friday night around 8:30 pm, Travis Lane was enjoying the company of a few friends on his front porch. It was a normal night in the neighborhood–hanging out, drinking, and exchanging the latest gossip.

Out of no where a gunman began shooting. Unaware where the shots were coming from, everyone ran for safety. The crowd that surrounded Travis had dispersed – they scattered like roaches when they’re being hunted by humans. Instinctively Travis dived to the ground. While laying on the grass, a bullet pierced his head. Because the unseen gunman had cleared the area, there was no one there to help me.

When a Father Loses His Son

When everything calmed down, I felt relaxed and settled. In the middle of October, 2014, I lost my youngest son.

“C. Logan, report to the slot,” The corrections officer announced on the pod’s intercom. I was in prison serving a 10-year sentence. It was very early in the morning. I walked to the control booth, “What’s up?” Then placed my ear close to the slot. “The captain wants to see you in his office,” the officer said. “Ok!” I replied and then went to my cell to get ready.

Stay Focused, Stay Free Tips #3

Watch Your Mouth!

A few days ago, an associate and I had a conversation about how children utilize Google search to learn about unfamiliar words they hear people say. My associate, Astro (that’s his nickname), shared with me how his 6-year old nephew, Micah, had used Google Voice to learn what the word murder meant. It was no surprise that images of homicide scenes, fatal bullet and knife wounds, and dead bodies laying in puddles of blood appeared. Scared out of his mind, Micah ran to show his mother the horrifying pictures.

“How did you get this?” Micah’s mother asked. Micah explained to his concerned mother how he had Googled murder. When his mother asked him why did he Google murder, Micah looked his mother in her eyes and said, “I heard you say it, mom.”

The bottom line is that children – especially ages 3 to 8 – are sponges; they soak up everything. Because of their high level of curiosity, they want to know everything about everything. Therefore, we (adults) have to be conscious of what we say in the presence of a child.

Until next tip, stay focused stay free!

From A Lost Boy To A Found Father

“Christina’s here!” were the best words Kevin Parker had ever heard. It was the happiest day of his life. On October 29, 1983, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Kevin had just come in from outside when his cousin told him that he was a father.

After his cousin Shae broke the news to him, Kevin felt like he was about to have a heart attack. He began pacing the floor back-and-forth. Several thoughts raced through his 14-year old brain. “You have a daughter. You’re a father now, Kevin.” was what he repeated aloud. He was overwhelmed.

At first Shae didn’t know what to say or do. “Are you going to the hospital or what?” she abruptly asked. Kevin quickly regained his composure and focused on the matter at hand – he needed to go see his daughter.

Stay Focused, Stay Free Tips #2

Bad Vibes

Hope Village is a public housing complex in Central Virginia. Mostly tenants of minority backgrounds. The apartments’ population changes quite a bit – which means kids are always looking for friends. Markas is a smart, 11-year old boy who lives with his single mother.

One day Markas and his best friend, Jeremy, welcomed a new kid on the block. “Y’all can just call me Flame,” the new boy said. Flame, 12, use of his nickname instead of his real name seemed odd to Markas. As the trio walked and talked, Flame expressed his strong interest in guns. “A 12-year old with a gun is illegal. Why is he infatuated with breaking the law? I think Flame is a troublemaker.” Markas thought privately.

Halloween Feud

A game idea for teachers.

With Covid-19 cases on the rise, this year’s trick-or-treat may be more of a trick than a treat. Likewise last year, our children may not be able to put on their favorite customs and knock on doors for candy. So I have an idea. In efforts to ensure our kids have a Halloween, I’ve created “Halloween Fued.” It’s a fun, no lose, everyone wins game. The end goal is that every child gets a bag of candy for Halloween. If possible, it would very much please me if every teacher and/or adult adopt this game. And do have a lot of fun!


A children’s trivial game.

How to play:

Players are placed into groups of 3, 4, or 5 – depending on total number of players; for example, if there’s 18 students in a class, then it should be 6 groups of 3 players.